Keystone Premier Spray Foam Insulation

Insulation Contractor is not just fiberglass batts but spray foam. This material is a powerful air sealant that prevents gaps and leaks, which are among the most common sources of home energy loss. Homeowners who choose to install this type of insulation can expect lower utility bills and a more comfortable indoor climate.

This is because spray foam expands to fill every nook and cranny, creating a tight seal that keeps conditioned air inside and unconditioned air outside. When compared to traditional fiberglass insulation, spray foam is 24 times more effective at stopping air flow.

Common Questions About Spray Foam Insulation Answered

In addition to preventing air infiltration, spray foam insulation also blocks vapor and moisture from entering the house. This feature is especially useful in attics and crawl spaces, where vapor can contribute to mold growth and wood damage. Closed-cell spray foam insulation, which is a good option for attics, provides both an air barrier and a vapor barrier, meaning homeowners don’t need to add a separate vapor retarder.

Another benefit of spray foam is that it doesn’t attract rodents and insects, unlike cellulose or fiberglass insulation. This is because the material offers no food value to pests, and it creates an air seal that prevents them from gaining entry into places like attics and crawl spaces. It’s important to note, however, that the spray foam must be properly installed by a professional to reap these benefits. Otherwise, it can provide a breeding ground for pests and may also release volatile organic compounds (VOCs) into the indoor environment.

Keystone Premier Spray Foam Insulation
8 Azalea Dr, Windsor, PA 17366, United States